填料 (Packing)
填料為使用最廣泛的質傳設備之一。填料可分為規則填料(Structured Packing)及散堆填料(Random Packing)兩大類,禾賢可提供各種需求及各式材質的填料。
規則填充料 (Structured Packing)
Structured Packing offers a high fractionating capacity, a
good wettability and low pressure drop together with an exact
adaptability to the respective fractionation problem
TYPE: SP-125 / SP- 175 / SP-200 / SP-250 / SP- 350 / SP-450 /
Grid Packing
High capacity structured packing is similar in construction to
standard structured packing, Except for a subtle modification
in the geometry of the corrugation at the top and bottom of
each packing layer.
This superior design provides higher capacity at same
efficiency for existing column.
While giving significantly lower pressure drop.
TYPE: High capacity SP-200H / 220H / 250H / 300H / 350H / 450H
/ 500H / 750H Available in most Metal sheet, Metal Gauze,
Plastic & Ceramic materials.